Quality tests on concrete are performed as a part of quality control of concrete structures. Different quality tests on concrete such as compressive strength tests, slump tests, permeability tests etc.are used to assure the quality of the concrete that is supplied for a given specification. These quality tests on concrete give results about the properties of concrete such as strength, durability, air content, permeability etc. The quality tests ensure that the best quality concrete is placed at the site so that concrete structural members of desired strength are obtained.
- Sampling Fresh Concrete To ensure a representative sample of the fresh concrete is obtained BS EN 12350-1
- Concrete Slump Test To check the consistence of the concrete meets the clients specificationBS EN 12350-2
- Determination of Air Content Where air-entrained concrete is specified its air content must be checkedBS EN 12350-7
- Temperature of Fresh Concrete To confirm the temperature of concrete meets any minimum or maximum specification requirements
- Concrete Cube Testing – including curing Determines the strength of hardened concrete cubes (100-150mm). Commonly tested at 7 and 28 days after casting. BS EN 12390-3, BS EN 12390-2
- Flexural Strength Prismatic specimens subjected to a bending moment.BS EN 12390-5
- Density To determine the density (as-received, water saturated or oven-dried) of concreteBS EN 12390-7
- Compressive Strength of Concrete Cores Determines the strength of hardened concrete in existing structures. BS EN 12504-1
- Cement Content Determines the Cement content of hardened concrete.BS 1881-124
- Chloride Content Determines the Chloride content of hardened concrete.BS 1881-124
- Concrete Trial Mixes Full trial mixes for determination of strength and fresh concrete properties